Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Yard

Here is our yard. Kevin is kind of a freak about the yard. He loves to mow the lawn and he freaks out about even the littlest weed in the grass. He has worked very hard and has done a very good job to get it looking nice. We have a little orchard with apples and peaches (don't worry the peaches didn't grow this year!!) Next year we are going to add some apricots, cherries and plums. Then you will all have to come and pick fruit!! He planted 150 trees in our backyard last year. I know, I don't quite think thats enough! He left a clearing out in the middle for a firepit and table and stuff. We are just going to call it Norman Nation Forest and charge by the car load. The trees are all quite small right now but it will be really fun when it is all grown in. He can't wait to build a tree house! He spent a lot of time getting the garden ready this year. He used the tape measure and everything to make sure that the rows were all nice and even and he planted flowers along the edge so it looked nice. He forgot however, to till some fertilizer into the soil so it would all grow good. So needless to say, the beans and peas and carrots didn't do too well. He was a little angry when nothing was growing at a rate he thought was acceptable so he decided he hated it and let the weeds take over. That's that red hair in him!! We still might get some corn and pumpkins out of the deal and hopefully you will be able to see the colorful flowers thru the beautiful green weeds!!

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